Guest Post and Giveaway: Drawn by Elle Brownlee


We’re so pleased to welcome author Elle Brownlee today on the tour for her latest novel, Drawn. Enjoy Elle’s guest post and then be sure to pay attention to the special giveaway prize she’s offering to one lucky reader.

Welcome, Elle!


Hello, everyone! Thanks so much to The Novel Approach for having me here to celebrate my upcoming release Drawn.

I’ll start with a little peek behind the writing process curtain. This book spent a long time languishing in various drafts before I found its voice. In my first draft I had an artist named Sebastian, then Sen helping out a friend, and a brownstone in the Upper West Side of Manhattan. But the longer I pushed the words around the more I knew it was missing something. So I let it be for a while and worked on other things.

Then while on a road trip in the South, I got to thinking about the book, and was inspired to change locations from NYC to NOLA. And once you enter New Orleans, a whole new vibe creeps in. My lovely artist Sen already believed in fate and signs and listening to them, but relocating him to New Orleans gave him the backdrop he deserved and he really came into his own. As did the brownstone—now a mansion surrounded by live oaks and Spanish moss—and the role it played.

After those changes, my writing took off. The story had life again! As did Sen’s story finding love amid a mystery with the remote-seeming businessman, Morgan.

My happy bonus was learning Drawn would release in late October. A sensitive artist who follows signs, listens to what’s beyond the veil, in atmospheric New Orleans, available in my favorite month of fall and spooky vibes and spirits? Perfect!

Some of Sen’s belief in signs came from his mom. She reads tea leaves and dispenses wisdom of what tea to drink at various times for various ills. Her tea prescription for Sen during this story is lots of green tea with ginger and honey. So that’s what I’m giving away to a commenter! A gift certificate to Adagio Teas, where I have such fun creating all my Book Blends. (**comment deadline: 11:59pm Eastern time on Friday, October 21, 2016**)

So, are you like Sen? Do you believe in signs? Fate? Maybe even ghosts? Tell me about something unexplained that happened in your life or a decision you made based on signs you found significant.


About the Book

drawnfs_v1Sebastian (Sen) Holt is an artist currently in New Orleans. He’s always been a wanderer, believing in fate and following signs to guide his destiny. Although he itches to pull up stakes, getting a painting into a local gallery keeps him rooted. One morning his good friend calls him in desperate need of help with her cleaning business. Her regular cleaner flaked, she can’t lose her client, and there’s no one else.

The job is at a large and recently restored house—and the owner, Morgan Ballard, comes home unexpectedly. They are immediately drawn together, as if they know each other but they’ve never met. As they grow closer, Morgan behaves like two people. Sometimes he’s friendly and casual, and other times intimate and demanding. Sen juggles his painting through bursts of vision-like inspiration, the cleaning job, and an unexpected commission—all while trying to unlock the growing mystery of the intense connection he feels to Morgan. He’s not sure which scares him more—the strangeness surrounding their growing bond or that he’s found someone to make him reconsider his lifelong wanderlust.

Release Date: 21 October 2016

Purchase Links: Dreamspinner Print || Dreamspinner eBook


About the Author

drawn_fbprofile_smallGrowing up she loved westerns and taking long hikes. On these explorations she’d craft miniature worlds with moss and rocks while making up stories about everything that happened there. This often included dashing cowboy heroes. As an adult, not a lot has changed. She still loves westerns, long hikes, and allowing her imagination to roam. She also loves spending time with family and friends, rooting for her baseball team, rainy days in autumn, and the perfect cup of tea (black, steeped extra strong, with milk—please!).

Her romances feature flawed but relatable characters in immersive settings, told with wit, tenderness, and a sly note of sarcasm. Though a cynic in many ways, Elle believes love can conquer all. Every story is a little bit naughty, a whole lot of nice, and will always end with happily ever after.

Elle currently lives in New York City, where she maintains her miniature worlds in terrariums and writing. She’s so thankful to be able to share her work with a growing audience, and especially grateful to have you reading along.

Author LinksWebsite || Facebook || Twitter

10 thoughts on “Guest Post and Giveaway: Drawn by Elle Brownlee

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  1. I get these random instances where there’s someone I haven’t talked to or heard from in a really long time & I’ll be wondering about them – how they’re doing, if they’re ok and then within a few days they’ll call or message me. It can be spooky at times because some of the people I haven’t heard from in years when it happens.


    1. That has happened to me too. It is spooky, but also cool. And I always wonder, did my thoughts summon them? or were they thinking of me and summoned my attention somehow? Maybe it takes both to make that ‘connection’ happen.


  2. IRL I am not a believer in signs, supernatural etc. But, strangely, I love suspending my disbelief and reading paranormal/supernatural stories.

    I do love tea blends though! :-)


    1. Yes, I know just what you mean. I’m not a believer in fate, but I love stories about people who are fated. Double-escapism for us, perhaps.

      Tea blends can’t be beat! :D


  3. I love green tea with honey and lemon and orange and all sorts of stuff. This sounds absolutely amazing and I’m going to a romantic book to order it right now. I am a huge fan of ghosties and supernatural shenanigans and all of that sort of things. This sounds like the perfect book for Halloween.


    1. Tea and supernatural shenanigans–I like it! And yes, I was very happy when I learned the release timing was so close to Halloween. :D


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